Review: Metaprogramming in Ruby 2

Metaprogramming in Ruby 2: Program Like the Ruby Pros by Paolo Perrotta is delightful book on the advanced aspects of the Ruby language. It’s very approachable and written in a way that delights the user to follow along with examples and practicing in their own IRB or Rails console. The first time I read it, …

5 resources to level-up in Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a powerful web development framework. Mastering Ruby on Rails requires proficiency in a number of technical skills. At the most basic level, you need to be proficient with Ruby, the language that Ruby is written in. You need to be proficient in HTML, CSS and Javascript, the languages powering your browser. …

How to propagate data in a Ruby on Rails Microservices environment?

Microservices encapsulate business logic in separate applications and allow independent scaling of these services. For example, an HR solution might have several micro-services split up between codebases, operating systems, geographic locations, or service providers. Having microservices, also commonly referred to as Service-Oriented Architecture, allows each service to be managed and developed independently. In a Ruby …